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What our clients have to say:

Real Stories, Real Results: The Power of Irlen Spectral Filters

Hear directly from clients the impact of Irlen Syndrome through the eyes of those whose lives have been forever changed by their transformative effects. Clients share their heartfelt testimonials, revealing how Irlen Spectral Filters have alleviated headaches, improved reading abilities, and provided relief from visual discomfort. Join us in celebrating these stories of hope and empowerment, and begin your own journey towards clarity and comfort by scheduling your screening at irlenservicesnorthwest.com. Ready to experience relief like these individuals? Schedule your screening today at irlenservicesnorthwest.com and start your journey to clarity and comfort with Irlen Spectral Filters.

Alaine Walker 

Alaine's Journey to Clarity with Irlen Spectral Filters

Hear Alaine's inspiring journey as she triumphs over anxiety, light sensitivity, and sensory challenges with the help of Irlen Spectral Filters. As a musician, Alaine's life was once filled with struggles, including visual distortions that made reading music difficult. However, since receiving her Irlen Filters, Alaine's life has been transformed. Her filters have become life-changing, providing her with ease while driving, relief from environmental triggers, and the ability to read music with clarity. Join us in celebrating Alaine's success story and discover how Irlen Spectral Filters can bring relief and renewal to your life. Ready to find your harmony like Alaine? 

Deb Nells 

Seeing the World Anew: Deb's Triumph Over Vision Struggles

Witness the incredible impact of Irlen Spectral Filters on Deb's life as she triumphs over vision challenges and experiences a new perspective. Deb's life was once clouded by daily headaches, eye strain, and limited vision due to MS and chemotherapy side effects. However, since being fitted with Irlen Spectral Filters, Deb's world has transformed. Her daily headaches are now a thing of the past, and she experiences a newfound clarity that allows her to see flowers and birds she couldn't see before. Join us in celebrating Deb's inspiring journey and discover how Irlen Spectral Filters can bring clarity and joy to your life. Ready to see the world anew? Schedule your screening today.

Sue Bielka

Transformed by Irlen - Sue Bielka's Testimonial

In this heartfelt testimonial Sue Bielka shares how her life took a dramatic turn for the better thanks to Irlen Spectral Filters.


Sue discusses the challenges she faced before discovering these life-changing filters and the incredible transformation that followed. Sue's story is a testament to the power of innovation and the impact it can have on someone's life. Her experiences with Irlen Spectral Filters serve as a shining example of how technology can help people overcome obstacles, gain newfound confidence, and experience a brighter future.

Allen Cent 

Breaking Through Anxiety & Migraines: Allen's Success Story 

Experience the power of transformation with Allen's inspiring journey to relief and clarity with Irlen Spectral Filters. Plagued by anxiety spikes, migraines, and extreme light sensitivity, Allen's life was filled with challenges. However, since discovering Irlen Spectral Filters, Allen has found relief from his symptoms. His filters have become life-changing, allowing him to approach life with a sense of calmness and understanding. Join us in celebrating Allen's triumph over visual challenges and discover how Irlen Spectral Filters can bring relief and renewal to your life. Ready to light up your life like Allen? 

Isaac Lemert

Empowering Isaac: How Irlen Filters Enhanced His Learning Journey

Join us in celebrating Isaac's remarkable journey to clarity and focus with the help of Irlen Spectral Filters. As a 2nd grader, Isaac faced numerous challenges in reading due to white paper glare, squinting, and difficulty tracking words on the page. These struggles led to head fog, dizziness, and feeling disconnected from his environment. However, since wearing Irlen Spectral Filters, Isaac has experienced significant relief from these symptoms, allowing him to stay focused and engaged in school. Witness the power of Irlen Spectral Filters in transforming Isaac's learning experience and enhancing his capabilities. Ready to experience relief like Isaac? 

April Dabelow

From Struggle to Success: April's Life-Changing Experience with Irlen Spectral Filters

Experience the power of transformation with April's inspiring journey to clarity and relief with Irlen Spectral Filters. Diagnosed with ADHD in her 30s and plagued by chronic headaches and visual distortions since childhood, April's life was filled with struggles. However, since discovering Irlen Spectral Filters, April has found relief from her symptoms. Her filters have become life-changing, allowing her to read with ease and feel more relaxed in her body. Join us in celebrating April's triumph over adversity and discover how Irlen Spectral Filters can bring clarity and focus to your life. Ready to break through your struggles like April? Schedule a screening today!

Wayne Williamson

Wayne's Success Story with Irlen Syndrome Filters

In this heartfelt testimonial, Wayne shares his life-changing experience with Irlen Syndrome and how Irlen filters from Irlen Services Northwest completely transformed his life. Wayne used to suffer from constant headaches, reading challenges, discomfort viewing computer screens, rainbow halo effects in his vision, glare, and difficulty performing his job that requires long hours on computers. However, since discovering Irlen filters and working with our dedicated team, Wayne no longer experiences headaches, can comfortably perform his job, reading is easier, and his vision issues are no longer present. Join Wayne on his journey to clarity and schedule your screening today.

Lindsay A. (daughter Kate)

Working with Terry has been a wonderful experience. Throughout the process of initial inquiry to diagnosis to filters fitting, Terry was extremely generous with her time: she provided helpful explanations about Irlen Syndrome, followed up often to see how my daughter responded to overlays and filters, and created highly detailed reports about how our daughter experienced Irlen Syndrome and what accommodations would help. Terry knew how to make my eight-year-old daughter feel at ease during the diagnosis process and filters fitting, helping to guide her with patience and respect. Since using the Irlen overlays and filters, my daughter has experienced fewer headaches, the ability to read for longer periods of time, increased reading scores, and greater confidence. I highly recommend working with Terry to gain a greater understanding of Irlen Syndrome and receive thoughtful and highly personalized care.